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Sunday, January 22, 2006

Detroit 2 DC tour

Me with Santosh and Haritha at their place in Laurel, Maryland. I spent a day there. This was first time I'm meeting them after coming to America. It was nice to spend time with them and the Pooris I had there..that was great. I had Poori after five long months. :-)

Now this is what I call real fun...yeah thats snow guys !!!

Myself with Hemanth and Dheeraj and some friends at the Detroit International Airport. This was on 26th evening when Dheeraj was to leave for India.

The three cousin at Ananas, a middle eastern restaurant in Detroit. The food was good, first time tasting Middle eastern food.

This is before the White house with Amar bava, Rohini Akkaya and Hemanth. It was a calm evening with Amar bava. I liked it. We all went around Washington DC seeing the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial, The Senate, White house etc.

This is me with Hemanth and Rohini akkaya with the George Washington Memorial in the Background. This is where the Lincoln Memorial stands.

Hey, it's me believe. Having a great time with kids Neerav and Rushiel. And yes, they were in a mood to play with me... he he.

First day in Washington DC when we went to the Aero Space Museum along with Rajesh. In the backdrop, the Concorde which lands before you can hear it...ya the French supersonic flight which travels more than twice the speed of sound at 1350mph.


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